“Lent”—from the same root as “lengthen.”
Days in spring grow longer.
In Latin, Quadragesima, “Forty.”
It just seems longer.
“Lent”—no kin to “lentils,”
a modest, homely food, well suited to the season,
a reminder, perhaps, that spring, of old, could also be starving time,
as last year’s crops drew near exhaustion.
“Lent”—no kin to “lento.”
Yet, we do slow down to express our uncertainties,
to honor our human sorrows,
to declare our longing.
“Lent”—no verbal kin to “lend.”
And yet, still deeply linked.
All life is lent to us,
and we pay interest
in sorrow,
in suffering, it may be,
in hope,
in joy at Easter’s coming dawn.